Detail TOP 3PCS Mobile Phone Holders Square Buckle Phone Accessories Heart Shape Buckle Metal Buckle
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Nomor produk berbentuk hati ekor kuda: Berbentuk hati kuda
Liontin: Liontin
Ukuran: 2.7*2 cm/1.06*0.78inininin8inn
Tekstur bahan: Paduan logam: Paduan logam
Proses perawatan: Electroplate
Nombor Artikel berbentuk kait: membentuk kait
Warna: Emas berbentuk hati, perak berbentuk hati, hitam berbentuk hati, Emas Persegi, Perak Persegi, Hitam persegi Isi Paket: 3 PCS Isi Paket: 3 PCS
Catatan: Catatan: Catatan:
Perbedaan pengaturan cahaya dan resolusi, warna item mungkin sedikit berbeda dari gambar.
Perkenankan sedikit perbedaan dimensi karena pengukuran manual yang berbeda. Dudukan Ponsel DIY Liontin Gesper Logam Kait Ponsel Kait Perekat Aksesoris Ponsel Bentuk Hati Gesper Persegi Casing Ponsel INS GAYA
**About 5-11 days, your address arrives! **100% Satisfaction and Premium Quality!
((≧︶≦*)Terima kasih & Happy shopping ((≧︶≦*) Jangan Lupa Bintang 5((≧︶≦*)
Catatan: Bahan emas, berlian, batu permata di toko semuanya dilapisi dengan listrik/buatan manusia.
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TOP 3PCS Mobile Phone Holders Square Buckle Phone Accessories Heart Shape Buckle Metal BuckleTOP 3PCS Mobile Phone Holders Square Buckle Phone Accessories Heart Shape Buckle Metal BuckleTOP 3PCS Mobile Phone Holders Square Buckle Phone Accessories Heart Shape Buckle Metal BuckleTOP 3PCS Mobile Phone Holders Square Buckle Phone Accessories Heart Shape Buckle Metal BuckleTOP 3PCS Mobile Phone Holders Square Buckle Phone Accessories Heart Shape Buckle Metal BuckleTOP 3PCS Mobile Phone Holders Square Buckle Phone Accessories Heart Shape Buckle Metal BuckleTOP 3PCS Mobile Phone Holders Square Buckle Phone Accessories Heart Shape Buckle Metal BuckleTOP 3PCS Mobile Phone Holders Square Buckle Phone Accessories Heart Shape Buckle Metal BuckleTOP 3PCS Mobile Phone Holders Square Buckle Phone Accessories Heart Shape Buckle Metal Buckle