Detail Tongsis tripod 3in1 bluetooth with remote shooter selfie stick tripod wireless tongsis wireless tongsis bluetooth
TONGSIS 2IN1 : - Tongsis Bluetooth ini dilengkapi remote shutter - Tongsis ini bisa dijadikan Tripod - Remote bisa dilepaskan dr tongsis - Panjang tongsis mencapai 70cm - Tongsis bisa dilipat menjadi sangat pendek, sehingga dapat dibawa kemana mana - Bentuk sangat minimalis
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Tongsis tripod 3in1 bluetooth with remote shooter selfie stick tripod wireless tongsis wireless tongsis bluetoothTongsis tripod 3in1 bluetooth with remote shooter selfie stick tripod wireless tongsis wireless tongsis bluetoothTongsis tripod 3in1 bluetooth with remote shooter selfie stick tripod wireless tongsis wireless tongsis bluetoothTongsis tripod 3in1 bluetooth with remote shooter selfie stick tripod wireless tongsis wireless tongsis bluetoothTongsis tripod 3in1 bluetooth with remote shooter selfie stick tripod wireless tongsis wireless tongsis bluetooth