tongkat selfie tongsis tripod tripot hp handphone berdiri wireless selfie stick portable Z6 dan Z6S stand holder 3 in 1 remot remote control # HJ # Tongsis S03-S LED tripod 3 in 1 Selfie Stick bluetooth Remote Control
tongkat selfie tongsis tripod tripot hp handphone berdiri wireless selfie stick portable Z6 dan Z6S stand holder 3 in 1 remot remote control # HJ # Tongsis S03-S LED tripod 3 in 1 Selfie Stick bluetooth Remote Control
Deskripsi singkat
Handphone & Aksesoris > Aksesoris Selfie > Tongsis > tongkat selfie tongsis tripod tripot hp handphone berdiri wireless selfie stick portable Z6 dan Z6S stand holder 3 in 1 remot remote control # HJ # Tongsis S03-S LED tripod 3 in 1 Selfie Stick bluetooth Remote Control
Detail tongkat selfie tongsis tripod tripot hp handphone berdiri wireless selfie stick portable Z6 dan Z6S stand holder 3 in 1 remot remote control # HJ # Tongsis S03-S LED tripod 3 in 1 Selfie Stick bluetooth Remote Control
Video perkenalan produk tongkat selfie tongsis tripod tripot hp handphone berdiri wireless selfie stick portable Z6 dan Z6S stand holder 3 in 1 remot remote control # HJ # Tongsis S03-S LED tripod 3 in 1 Selfie Stick bluetooth Remote Control. Sumber: Shopee.
Model: Z6 Selfie Stick
Material: Plastic Foldable Length: 185mm The Max Extened Length: 680mm Features: One Convenient, Flexible, Bluetooth Connection Fully charged 20,000 photos 10 minutes of automatic sleep Automatic link after startup
Model Z6S Selfie Stick
-Fitur 360 derajat sehingga dapat diputar ke segala arah -Compatible -Dengan desain ringan dan mudah dibawa kemana-mana -Remote Control nirkabel lebih praktis -Sangat cocok untuk dibawa bepergian
Material:Aluminium Alloy Compatible:Universal Mobile Phone Colour:Black Pacakge:4.6x4.6x19.8cm Type:Mini Tripod/Lightweight Weight:159gr Panjang Tiang:108cm Battery capacity:65mAh
Isi paket: 1 selfie stick 1 charger usb FREE lampu LED (total 2)
Gambar produk
tongkat selfie tongsis tripod tripot hp handphone berdiri wireless selfie stick portable Z6 dan Z6S stand holder 3 in 1 remot remote control # HJ # Tongsis S03-S LED tripod 3 in 1 Selfie Stick bluetooth Remote Controltongkat selfie tongsis tripod tripot hp handphone berdiri wireless selfie stick portable Z6 dan Z6S stand holder 3 in 1 remot remote control # HJ # Tongsis S03-S LED tripod 3 in 1 Selfie Stick bluetooth Remote Controltongkat selfie tongsis tripod tripot hp handphone berdiri wireless selfie stick portable Z6 dan Z6S stand holder 3 in 1 remot remote control # HJ # Tongsis S03-S LED tripod 3 in 1 Selfie Stick bluetooth Remote Controltongkat selfie tongsis tripod tripot hp handphone berdiri wireless selfie stick portable Z6 dan Z6S stand holder 3 in 1 remot remote control # HJ # Tongsis S03-S LED tripod 3 in 1 Selfie Stick bluetooth Remote Controltongkat selfie tongsis tripod tripot hp handphone berdiri wireless selfie stick portable Z6 dan Z6S stand holder 3 in 1 remot remote control # HJ # Tongsis S03-S LED tripod 3 in 1 Selfie Stick bluetooth Remote Controltongkat selfie tongsis tripod tripot hp handphone berdiri wireless selfie stick portable Z6 dan Z6S stand holder 3 in 1 remot remote control # HJ # Tongsis S03-S LED tripod 3 in 1 Selfie Stick bluetooth Remote Controltongkat selfie tongsis tripod tripot hp handphone berdiri wireless selfie stick portable Z6 dan Z6S stand holder 3 in 1 remot remote control # HJ # Tongsis S03-S LED tripod 3 in 1 Selfie Stick bluetooth Remote Controltongkat selfie tongsis tripod tripot hp handphone berdiri wireless selfie stick portable Z6 dan Z6S stand holder 3 in 1 remot remote control # HJ # Tongsis S03-S LED tripod 3 in 1 Selfie Stick bluetooth Remote Controltongkat selfie tongsis tripod tripot hp handphone berdiri wireless selfie stick portable Z6 dan Z6S stand holder 3 in 1 remot remote control # HJ # Tongsis S03-S LED tripod 3 in 1 Selfie Stick bluetooth Remote Control