Detail TOMBOW Dual Brush Pens - NEW MUTED Palette of 10 colors - AB-T10C MUB
Set pen 9 warna dengan pena blender tidak berwarna. Ujung kuas fleksibel dan ujung halus dalam satu spidol. Ujung kuas berfungsi untuk membuat guratan halus, sedang atau tebal; ujung halus membuat garis yang konsisten. Dual Brush Pens ideal untuk seniman dan perajin. Tinta berbasis air dapat dicampur dan kuas nilon yang tahan banting mempertahankan goresan titik demi goresan.
Terdiri dari warna : 837 Wine Red, 757 Port Red, 947 Burnt Sienna, 026 Yellow Gold, 528 Navy Blue, 098 Avocado, 679 Dark Plum, 969 Chocolate, N35 Cool Gray 12, N00 Colorless Blender
• Ideal untuk mewarnai, seni rupa, ilustrasi, mencoret-coret, membuat jurnal, membuat tulisan tangan, dll. • Berbahan dasar air • Dapat dicampur • Bebas asam, tidak berbau • Ujung kuas bersih sendiri setelah dipakai • Untuk hasil terbaik, gunakan kertas halus tanpa tekstur.
---------------- Set of 9 colors with colorless blender pen. Flexible brush tip and fine tip in one marker. Brush tip works like a paintbrush to create fine, medium or bold strokes; fine tip gives consistent lines. Dual Brush Pens are ideal for artists and crafters. The water-based ink is blendable and the resilient nylon brush retains its point stroke after stroke. Colors Included: 837 Wine Red, 757 Port Red, 947 Burnt Sienna, 026 Yellow Gold, 528 Navy Blue, 098 Avocado, 679 Dark Plum, 969 Chocolate, N35 Cool Gray 12, N00 Colorless Blender
• Ideal for coloring, fine art, illustrations, doodling, journaling, hand lettering and more • Water-based • Blendable • Acid-free, odorless • Tips self-clean after blending • For best results, use a smooth, non-textured paper.
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TOMBOW Dual Brush Pens - NEW MUTED Palette of 10 colors - AB-T10C MUBTOMBOW Dual Brush Pens - NEW MUTED Palette of 10 colors - AB-T10C MUBTOMBOW Dual Brush Pens - NEW MUTED Palette of 10 colors - AB-T10C MUBTOMBOW Dual Brush Pens - NEW MUTED Palette of 10 colors - AB-T10C MUBTOMBOW Dual Brush Pens - NEW MUTED Palette of 10 colors - AB-T10C MUBTOMBOW Dual Brush Pens - NEW MUTED Palette of 10 colors - AB-T10C MUBTOMBOW Dual Brush Pens - NEW MUTED Palette of 10 colors - AB-T10C MUB