Formulation Tolfenamic acid 80 mg, excipients 1 mL
Indications For the treatment of acute mastitis in cattle (tolfenamic acid is the only NSAID approved for treatment of mastitis with one single injection), acute bacterial respiratory diseases, syndrome mastitis-methritis-agalactia, always in association with an antibiotic therapy. It is also effective in any pathology that presents fever, inflammation and/or pain (anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, analgesic and/or antipyretic therapy).
DOSIS PEMAKAIAN - Dosis 1 mL/40 kg BB dengan rute intravena intramuskular. Dosis akan efektif selama 48 jam. - Dalam kasus infeksi akut: menerapkan dosis tunggal 1 mL/20 kg atau pengobatan dengan dosis 1 mL/40 kg selama 2 hari berturut-turut melalui intravena.