FITUR DAN SPESIFIKASI : * Use of low level control high level * Such as the use of single chip microcomputer 3V or 5V voltage 9V or 12V voltage control * HVCC maximum not more than 24V * Outlet OUT1 / OUT2 / OUT3 / OUT4 output current is equal to the largest HVCC / 5.1K, maximum absorption current 500mA * Input: IN1 / IN2 / IN3 / IN4, SCM or for Arduino IO port * GND with single-chip microcomputer or for Arduino board GND connection * IN1 / IN2 / IN3 / IN4 respectively control the OUT1 / OUT2 / OUT3 / OUT4 * Output: OUT1 / OUT2 / OUT3 / OUT4 * Output: HVCC: Connection is control of high voltage anode * HGND connection is control of high voltage anode