Detail TISOO Toilet Paper (12) and Kitchen Paper (6) Bamboo Tissue / Tisu Bambu
12 rolls x Toilet Paper (250 sheets | 3 ply) 6 rolls x Kitchen Paper (100 sheets | 2 ply)
Bamboo tissue / tisu bambu No plastic packaging / tanpa kemasan plastik This pack plants a tree / paket ini menanam pohon No ink, dye or scent / tanpa tinta, pewarna atau pewangi
Anti-bacterial, safe for babies and individuals with allergies or sensitivities. Highly absorbent, so you can use less and save up more bucks!
Toilet Paper KEMENKES RI PKL 10102320254 Kitchen Paper KEMENKES RI PKL 10106320110
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TISOO Toilet Paper (12) and Kitchen Paper (6) Bamboo Tissue / Tisu BambuTISOO Toilet Paper (12) and Kitchen Paper (6) Bamboo Tissue / Tisu BambuTISOO Toilet Paper (12) and Kitchen Paper (6) Bamboo Tissue / Tisu BambuTISOO Toilet Paper (12) and Kitchen Paper (6) Bamboo Tissue / Tisu BambuTISOO Toilet Paper (12) and Kitchen Paper (6) Bamboo Tissue / Tisu BambuTISOO Toilet Paper (12) and Kitchen Paper (6) Bamboo Tissue / Tisu BambuTISOO Toilet Paper (12) and Kitchen Paper (6) Bamboo Tissue / Tisu Bambu