Merk : Doziro Kapasitas 60PSI Body Material : Plastik Bisa untuk ban : sepeda, motor, mobil, truk & excavator.
Size : Length: 10 CM Diameter: 5 CM Weight : 160 G (not including package) Range : 50 PSI Satuan : psi dan Bar 32 = 33 psi 43 = 45,5 psi
Specifications: 1. mengukur tekanan angin 2. meningkatkan keselamatan saat berkemudi 3. mengurangi keausan ban.
KEUTAMAAN 1.Akurasi. Tekanan yang dijadikan parameter adalah 32 dan 43 psi. Untuk patokan ukuran tekanan yang benar digunakan tire inflator dari WIPRO yang secara periodik dikalibrasi setiap 6 bulan.
Brief introduction: 1. Please state the tire cooling to test tire pressure measurement. 2. Will tire pressure end project valves, tightly compressed tyres until the tire pressure gauge needle moving to its highest position. 3. Please remain positive plans to tire pressure, and vertical tire pressure readings. 4. After measuring,Lock the lid mouth of the tire valve.