Detail Tinta Printer HP GT-51 GT-52 HP Ink Tank 115 310 315 410 415 319 419 311 316 318 411 412 415 416 418 PREMIUM (COMPATIBLE)
HARGA DIATAS ADALAH HARGA SATUAN DAN HARGA 1 SET HP DeskJet All-in-One PrinterDapat digunakan untuk :HP DeskJet GT 5810 (L9U63A)HP DeskJet GT 5820 (M2Q28A)Warna : Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Info Penting :- Stok ready & siap kirim, silahkan langsung diorder saja - Packing menggunakan bubble wrap tebal, lebih dari 8pcs menggunakan dus packing tebal - 1 Kg muat 8 Botol - Produk kwalitas terbaik sesuai deskripsi & gambar yg kami upload real pictures - Dijamin tidak merusak printer dan aman digunakan untuk jangka panjang - Jika ada barang yang bermasalah saat di terima, silakan chet admin terlebih dahulu* Claim produk bermasalah diterima dengan syarat : - Wajib menggunakan Foto & Video unboxing - Claim diterima max 2x24 jam dari waktu paket sampai di alamat pembeli - Belum memberi bintang ⭐️/⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Barang yang ingin dikembalikan harus dalam kondisi yang sama seperti pada saat diterimaJam Operasional Toko berlaku Dari Hari Senin-Saptu jam 09:00 s.d 17:00 WIB Dan Hari Minggu Jam 11:00 s.d 17:00 WIB/Tidak ada pengiriman (Libur)Orderan sebelum jam 17:00 sore, akan di proses hari ini,Orderan setelah jam 17:00 akan diproses besoknya.Selamat Belanja Terima kasih ^_^
ENGLISH TRANSLATION : THE PRICE ABOVE IS THE UNIT PRICE AND THE PRICE FOR 1 SET HP DeskJet All-in-One PrinterCan be used for:HP DeskJet GT 5810 (L9U63A)HP DeskJet GT 5820 (M2Q28A)Color: Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Important Info :- Ready stock & ready to send, please order directly - Packing using thick bubble wrap, more than 8pcs using thick packing boxes - 1 Kg fits 8 bottles - The best quality products according to the description & the pictures we uploaded are real pictures - Guaranteed not to damage the printer and safe to use for the long term - If there is a problem with the item when it is received, please check the admin first. * Claim the problematic product is accepted with the following conditions: - Required to use unboxing Photos & Videos - Claim received max 2x24 hours from the time the package arrives at the buyer's address - Not starred yet ️/⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Items to be returned must be in the same condition as when received From Monday-Saturday 09:00 to 17:00 WIB And Sundays 11:00 to 17:00 WIB / No delivery (Holidays) Orders before 17:00 pm, will be processed today, orders after 17:00 will be processed the next day. Happy Shopping Thank you ^_^....
Gambar produk
Tinta Printer HP GT-51 GT-52 HP Ink Tank 115 310 315 410 415 319 419 311 316 318 411 412 415 416 418 PREMIUM (COMPATIBLE)Tinta Printer HP GT-51 GT-52 HP Ink Tank 115 310 315 410 415 319 419 311 316 318 411 412 415 416 418 PREMIUM (COMPATIBLE)Tinta Printer HP GT-51 GT-52 HP Ink Tank 115 310 315 410 415 319 419 311 316 318 411 412 415 416 418 PREMIUM (COMPATIBLE)Tinta Printer HP GT-51 GT-52 HP Ink Tank 115 310 315 410 415 319 419 311 316 318 411 412 415 416 418 PREMIUM (COMPATIBLE)Tinta Printer HP GT-51 GT-52 HP Ink Tank 115 310 315 410 415 319 419 311 316 318 411 412 415 416 418 PREMIUM (COMPATIBLE)