Detail Tinta Epson 774 Black PREMIUM(COMPATIBLE) M100 M200 L655 L1455 - HITAM
Deskripsi Tinta Printer 774 Black (T7741) Detail produk dari Tinta Epson 774 Black (T7741) Tinta Epson 774 Black (T7741) Tinta printer isi ulang Epson dengan kemasan botol yang mempunai kapasitas isi 140ml warna hitam (black), setara dengan 5000 lembar . Tinta ini dapat digunakan untuk printer Epson dengan type : Epson M100 dan Epson M200
Info Penting :
- Stok ready & siap kirim, silahkan langsung diorder saja - Packing menggunakan bubble wrap tebal, lebih dari 7pcs menggunakan dus packing tebal - 1 Kg muat 7 Botol - Produk kwalitas terbaik sesuai deskripsi & gambar yg kami upload real pictures - Dijamin tidak merusak printer dan aman digunakan untuk jangka panjang - Minimal pembelanjaan 60 pcs otomatis harga berubah, pastinya lebih murah - Jika ada barang yang bermasalah saat di terima, silakan chet admin terlebih dahulu
* Claim produk bermasalah diterima dengan syarat : - Wajib menggunakan Foto & Video unboxing - Claim diterima max 2x24 jam dari waktu paket sampai di alamat pembeli - Belum memberi bintang ⭐️/⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Barang yang ingin dikembalikan harus dalam kondisi yang sama seperti pada saat diterima
Jam Operasional Toko berlaku Dari Hari Senin-Saptu jam 09:00 s.d 17:00 WIB Dan Hari Minggu Jam 11:00 s.d 17:00 WIB/Tidak ada pengiriman (Libur)
Orderan sebelum jam 17:00 sore, akan di proses hari ini,Orderan setelah jam 17:00 akan diproses besoknya.
Selamat Belanja Terima kasih ^_^
774 Black (T7741) Printer Ink Description Product details of Epson 774 Black (T7741) ink Epson 774 Black (T7741) Ink Epson printer ink refills in bottles that have a content capacity of 140ml black (black), equivalent to 5000 sheets. This ink can be used for Epson printers with type: Epson M100 and Epson M200
Important information :
- Ready stock & ready to ship, please order directly - Packing using thick bubble wrap, more than 7pcs using thick packing boxes - 1 Kg fits 7 bottles - The best quality products according to the description & the pictures we uploaded are real pictures - Guaranteed not to damage the printer and safe to use for the long term - Minimum purchase of 60 pcs, the price automatically changes, definitely cheaper - If there is a problem with the item when it is received, please check the admin first
* Claims for problematic products are accepted with the following conditions: - Required to use unboxing Photos & Videos - Claim received max 2x24 hours from the time the package arrives at the buyer's address - Not starred yet ️/⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Items to be returned must be in the same condition as when received
Store Operating Hours apply From Monday-Saturday 09:00 to 17:00 WIB And Sundays 11:00 to 17:00 WIB / No delivery (Holiday)
Orders before 17:00 pm, will be processed today, orders after 17:00 will be processed the next day.
happy shopping Thank you ^_^ #tinta774#tintaoriginal#tintaepson#epson774
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Tinta Epson 774 Black PREMIUM(COMPATIBLE) M100 M200 L655 L1455 - HITAMTinta Epson 774 Black PREMIUM(COMPATIBLE) M100 M200 L655 L1455 - HITAM