Detail TIDYU Dish Soap Powder to Gel 3pc | Sabun Cuci Piring | Zero Waste
TIDYU Dish Soap Powder to Gel | Sabun Cuci Piring Eczema friendly (sedikit busa, tidak ada wangi), bisa juga untuk cuci botol susu bayi & baby utensils. Setelah dilarutkan menjadi gel, bisa diteteskan essential oil jika ingin ada wewangian.
Varian: Fragrance-Free Other variants (with fragrance) coming soon
Per Sachet isi 10 Gram Dish Soap Powder (equivalent to 300ml Dish Soap Gel)
How To Use: 1. Fill bottle with 300 ml warm water 2. Put 1 Sachet of TIDYU Dish Soap Powder To Gel 3. Keep the bottle cap off and wait until fully dissolve 4. Put wrapper in the compost or reguler trash bin 5. Your dish soap is ready to use — 1. Isi botol dengan 300 ml air hangat 2. Masukan 1 sachet TIDYU Dish Soap Powder To Gel 3. Biarkan tutup botol terbuka, sampai semua serbuk larut dan berubah menjadi gel 4. Buang pembungkus ke dalam kompos atau tempat sampah biasa 5. Sabun cuci piringmu siap digunakan
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TIDYU Dish Soap Powder to Gel 3pc | Sabun Cuci Piring | Zero Waste