THERMALRIGHT TL-C12 series is the latest independent design of 120mm PWM fan, THERMALRIGHT special blade is composed of nine pieces carefully designed, designed for high-speed air transport and performance balance efficiency.
The FDB (Fluid Dynamic Bearing) design allows the TL to last up to 60,000 hours thanks to the latest shock pad and significantly reduces noise frequency to ensure quiet operation.
TL-C12 SPECIFICATION: Dimension: L120 mm x W120 mm x H25 mm Weight: 135 g Rated Speed: 1500 RPM±10% (MAX) Noise Level: 25.6 dBA (MAX) Air Flow: 66.17 CFM (MAX) Air Pressure: 1.53mm H2O (MAX) Ampere: 0.20 A Connector: 4 PIN PWM Bearing Type: FDB Bearing
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