PASTIKAN PRODUK ASLI Bersegel Resmi Distributor Indonesia PT BERLIAN CAHAYA TEKNOLOGI dan Kelengkapan sesuai di Gambar atas Suntikan paste , Spatula Hitam logo Thermal Grizzly , Quick Start Guide.
Hydronaut can be used for overclocking due to it's excellent thermal conductivity, but it was created specifically for users with larger-scale cooling solutions, who are looking for a quality product with an excellent price-performance ratio, for example for their water cooling system.
- suited for Overclocking - excellent thermal conductivity - no curing - SILICON FREE - no electrical conductivity - applicable with aluminum
The Hydronaut thermal grease delivers optimal heat transfer capabilities for larger-scale cooling solutions like water cooling systems.
Hydronaut thermal grease consists of a silicon-free structure. The makes it very light and highly flexible and easy to apply.
Hydronaut achieves best results if used on medium- to large-scale cooling solutions. This product is ROHS-compliant for demanding users.
- Thermal Conductivity 11,8 W/mk - Thermal Resistance 0,0076 K/W - Electrical Conductivity* 0 pS/m - Viscosity 140-190 Pas - Speific Weight 2,6g/cm3 - Temperature -200 °C / +350 °C
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