The Voting Game is an adult party game that uncovers the hilarious truth about your friendships. Each Round, vote anonymously for the player that is described by the current question. Tally the votes and watch as the personalities of your friends are revealed. Play with friends new and old, expect to discover things that you didn’t know about the other players and yourself! Winning is possible but not important. The Voting Game includes game variations, question cards and voting cards for up to 10 players.
Barang ini adalah non original, melainkan Replica Ori 1:1 Membeli = Memahami dan menyetujui 🙏
Berikut jam operasional kami: Senin - Sabtu. Minggu Kurir ANTERAJA TUTUP, maka paket yang menggunakan kurir ANTERAJA akan dikirim hari berikutnya 🙏 Pengiriman maksimal jam 14:30 akan dikirim pada hari yang sama
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Gambar produk
the voting game board gamethe voting game board game