The Dadiba - The Organizer - Accessories Bag Pouch Diaper Caddy Stroller Multipurpose Tas Bayi Baby
The Dadiba - The Organizer - Accessories Bag Pouch Diaper Caddy Stroller Multipurpose Tas Bayi Baby
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Ibu & Bayi > Perlengkapan Travelling Bayi > Tas Perlengkapan Bayi > The Dadiba - The Organizer - Accessories Bag Pouch Diaper Caddy Stroller Multipurpose Tas Bayi Baby
Detail The Dadiba - The Organizer - Accessories Bag Pouch Diaper Caddy Stroller Multipurpose Tas Bayi Baby
Untuk bundle dengan Diaper Bag nya bisa cek di etalase toko kami ya :)
The Organizer is basically the only thing you need to carry when going out with your little ones. With customizable modular compartments, The Organizer can cater to you daily carry, whether it’s clothes, diapers, toys and even more. Enabling parents to make use of the flexibility and have fun packing their baby needs. Sharing with your baby is not a problem as this organizer can even be used for adults!
Built by Dad, Loved by all.
Material: Polyester nylon like material that is waterproof, durable and lightweight.
Dimensions : 30 x 21 x 8
Weight: 80 gram
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The Dadiba - The Organizer - Accessories Bag Pouch Diaper Caddy Stroller Multipurpose Tas Bayi BabyThe Dadiba - The Organizer - Accessories Bag Pouch Diaper Caddy Stroller Multipurpose Tas Bayi BabyThe Dadiba - The Organizer - Accessories Bag Pouch Diaper Caddy Stroller Multipurpose Tas Bayi BabyThe Dadiba - The Organizer - Accessories Bag Pouch Diaper Caddy Stroller Multipurpose Tas Bayi BabyThe Dadiba - The Organizer - Accessories Bag Pouch Diaper Caddy Stroller Multipurpose Tas Bayi BabyThe Dadiba - The Organizer - Accessories Bag Pouch Diaper Caddy Stroller Multipurpose Tas Bayi Baby