Detail Termometer Thermometer thermo gun Infrared suhu tubuh non contact HCO - Putih
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Bersertifikat : - CE : Perintah penyesuaian tanda yang terdapat pada banyak produk yang ditempatkan pada pasar tunggal dalam Kawasan Ekonomi Eropa (EEA) dan barang-barang ekspor dari luar negeri. Tanda CE digunakan untuk meyakinkan bahwa produk tersebut aman untuk dipakai. - ROHS (Pedoman Pembatasan Bahan Berbahaya)
Features : - Backlight LCD digital display, Lightweight and portable for use. - precise non-contact infrared measurement. - 2 temperature units for conversion: Fahrenheit or Celsius - Measurement modes selection for various needs conveniently. - Body temperature measurement: aiming towards the forehead with the distance of 1-15cm. - Different backlight color for different temperature range under BODY mode. - Automatic data hold function and auto power off function. - Memorization of the last 32 groups of measurement data~ Terimakasih banyak ~
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Termometer Thermometer thermo gun Infrared suhu tubuh non contact HCO - PutihTermometer Thermometer thermo gun Infrared suhu tubuh non contact HCO - PutihTermometer Thermometer thermo gun Infrared suhu tubuh non contact HCO - PutihTermometer Thermometer thermo gun Infrared suhu tubuh non contact HCO - PutihTermometer Thermometer thermo gun Infrared suhu tubuh non contact HCO - Putih