Tidak mengandung pork TAPI diproduksi di fasilitas yang sama dg produk lain yang mengandung pork, beef, ayam, peanut. Approved and Certified by Korean Ministry of Food and Drugs Safety (MFDS) 100% Original
Jual isi 10 pcs (kemasan asli bawaan brand, bukan repackage): https://shopee.co.id/product/8302392/16881536990/
Multi-vitamin & Mineral Supplement (Children's nutrition)
Main Ingredient : Ascorbic acid coated 26.04 mg, Cholecalciferol granules 2.5 mg, Retinol palmitate granules 4 mg, Thiamine nitrate 3.07 mg, etc. (a total of 15 kinds)
Advantage : Chewy tablets with reddish strawberry flavor A comprehensive nutritional supplement containing vitamins(A,B1,B2,B6,C,D,E) and minerals for children.
Precautions : Wanita hamil dan bayi tidak dianjurkan mengkonsumsi (resiko overdosis vitamin A)
[How to use] Untuk usia 8 tahun ke atas, 2 kali/hari