Detail Tensimeter Aneroid ABN Regal Desktop Model - Tensimeter Manual
ABN Regal Desktop Model merupakan tensimeter manual jarum dengan model desktop. Fungsi tensimeter aneorid adalah untuk mengukur tekanan darah yang bekerja secara manual saat memompa maupun mengurangi tekanan pada manset. Tensi darah normal manusia dewasa adalah 100-130 mmHg untuk tekanan sistolik dan 60-90 mmHg untuk tekanan diastolik. Jenis tensimeter ini biasanya di gunakan oleh ahli kesehatan seperti dokter, bidan dan perawat dirumah sakit maupun klinik.
Fitur dan Spesifikasi - The large dial plate with stylish frame supported with the attractive strong base design, make this model grows to be the favorite for hospitals or clinics - The 4 ft extendable latex coiled tubing is included with the deluxe metal connector - Featuring large face 8", 300 mmHg no pin stop mechanism of manometer gauge - Designed as the desk model to get the flexibility of placement in all operations - Comes with complete inflation system of the superior quality black nylon cuff with heavy duty latex inflation bladder, and they can all be placed nicely into a fine art storage compartment
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Tensimeter Aneroid ABN Regal Desktop Model - Tensimeter ManualTensimeter Aneroid ABN Regal Desktop Model - Tensimeter Manual