Tekiro tang potong 4.5" / diagonal pliers spesifikasi : Merek : TEKIRO kode item : PL-DG1290 Tipe : 4.5" made in japan
Kegunaan : - Anti karat, kuat, serta tahan lama - Ideal untuk melengkapi alat perkakas di rumah Anda
* Berfungsi untuk memotong benda-benda kecil dengan ketajaman yang tinggi seperti kabel plastik, fiber tipis, kawat, dll.
Instead of using a shearing action as with scissors, diagonal pliers cut by indenting and wedging the wire apart. The jaw edges are ground to a symmetrical "V" shape, thus the two jaws can be visualized to form the letter "X", as seen end-on when fully occluded. The pliers are made of tempered steel, and inductive heating and quenching are often used to selectively harden the jaws.
Diagonal Pliers 4.5 Inchi (Tang Potong 4.5 Inchi)
Terbuat dari material nikel - iron Grip pegangan nyaman digenggam Tingkat akurasi pemotongan tinggi