TDR Module Time Delay Relay 6-30V DC adalah suatu piranti yang menggunakan elektromagnet untuk mengoperasikan seperangkat kontak saklar sering disebut juga relay timer atau relay penunda batas waktu banyak digunakan dalam instalasi motor terutama instalasi yang membutuhkan pengaturan waktu secara otomatis.
Memiliki Fitur Sbb : Terdapat konektor Micro USB selain itu Peralatan kontrol ini dapat dikombinasikan dengan peralatan kontrol lain, contohnya dengan MC (Magnetic Contactor), Thermal Over Load Relay, dan lain-lain. misalnya untuk rangkaian control hubungan motor secara otomatis, hubungan control secara berurutan dan lain lain.
Spesifikasi : - 100% baru dan bermutu tinggi - Operating voltage: 6--30VDC - Trigger Signal Source : High Level Trigger (3.0 V-24 V), signal ground and system ground are not common, which can increase anti-interference abilit system (short circuit can also connect with a ground common) - Output Capacity : can control no more than DC 30V 5A AC or 220 V devices 5A - Optocoupler Isolation : improve the anti-interference ability, after the parameter setting, it will memory forever Warning: Relay contact is passive and electricity production; 1 channel has the control function on / off
Cara setting: P1: After triggered signal, power relay on time OP, then turn off; within the OP period following operation: 1) P1.1: signal being triggered again is not effective 2) P1.2: signal being triggered again, start time again 3) P1.3: signal being triggered again, reset; disconnect relay, stop timing P2: giving the trigger signal, the time after shutdown relay CL power relay OP time; then timing, turn off the relay
Tersedia Warna - Dengan PCB Biru
Ukuran : P x L x T : 6.3 * 3.8 * 1.5cm
Kelengkapan : - 1Pc x TDR Module Time Delay Relay C90A 6-30V DC