TBI Soft Silicon Case For Apple Pencil 2 Stylus Pen Protective Cover Pouch

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Detail TBI Soft Silicon Case For Apple Pencil 2 Stylus Pen Protective Cover Pouch

Deskripsi Soft Silicon Case For Apple Pencil 2 Stylus Pen Protective Cover Pouch

Pelindung stylus Apple Pencil 2 kamu.
- Anti slip
- Terbuat dari karet silicon, enak dan nyaman dipakai
- Mudah di lepas pasang
- Melindungi keseluruhan pencil dari kerusakan dan gores
- Cover penutup mencegah penutup hilang / lupa taruh
- Penutup pensil mencegah kerusakan pada ujung pencil dari benturan
- Bisa dicuci bila kotor

Product Name : For Apple Pencil 2nd Generation Silicone Case
Type: 360 Protecting
Material: Silicone
Function: Anti-scratch, Anti-Lost, Anti-knock

1.Made of silicone rubber, good feelling, durable. Easy to install and use.
2.360 full protecting your pencil from any damage and sratch.
3.The Cover protects Pencil Cap against rolling off uneven surface and being lost. And the Pencil Tip Cover can fully protected your Pencil Tip from any damage.
Compatible Model
- Use for : Full Protect For iPad Pro Pencil Body Cap and Nib
- Washable Sleeve : Easy to remove

Isi :
1x Apple Pencil Silicone case (Does not include pen)

#Soft #Silicone #Apple #Pencil #1nd #Generation #Holder #Tablet #Touch #Pen #Stylus #Pouch #Sleeve #Case

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TBI Soft Silicon Case For Apple Pencil 2 Stylus Pen Protective Cover Pouch
TBI Soft Silicon Case For Apple Pencil 2 Stylus Pen Protective Cover Pouch
TBI Soft Silicon Case For Apple Pencil 2 Stylus Pen Protective Cover Pouch
TBI Soft Silicon Case For Apple Pencil 2 Stylus Pen Protective Cover Pouch
TBI Soft Silicon Case For Apple Pencil 2 Stylus Pen Protective Cover Pouch
TBI Soft Silicon Case For Apple Pencil 2 Stylus Pen Protective Cover Pouch
TBI Soft Silicon Case For Apple Pencil 2 Stylus Pen Protective Cover Pouch
TBI Soft Silicon Case For Apple Pencil 2 Stylus Pen Protective Cover Pouch
TBI Soft Silicon Case For Apple Pencil 2 Stylus Pen Protective Cover Pouch
TBI Soft Silicon Case For Apple Pencil 2 Stylus Pen Protective Cover Pouch