(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock

Sepatu Wanita > Aksesoris & Perawatan Sepatu > Tali Sepatu > Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
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Detail (8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock

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Anda menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk mengikat tali sepatu? Kadang ikatannya terlalu kencang, kadang terlalu kendor, kadang terlepas...

Ingin tau cara mengubah tali sepatu konvensional Anda menjadi tali-sepatu-yang-tidak-perlu-ditali dan sepatu Anda bisa berubah menjadi sepatu slip-on??

Cukup ganti tali sepatu Anda dengan Tali Sepatu Elastis ini, maka Anda tidak perlu kuatir tali sepatu Anda akan terlepas lagi!

Anda akan merasa sangat nyaman memakai tali sepatu elastis ini. Tali sepatu tidak akan terlalu sesak atau terlalu longgar. Anda akan mudah memakai dan melepas sepatu Anda seperti sepatu slip-on

Bahan : Fiber
Warna : Seperti di foto
Panjang : 100cm

What you get in a pack :
- 2pcs tali sepatu elastis (1pasang) lebar 8mm
- 2pcs Buckle Magnet

Tutorial Pemasangan :
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Gambar produk

(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock
(8mm) Tali Sepatu Elastis Lebar 8mm Buckle Lock MAGNETIC Keren Elastic Shoelace With Stylish MAGNETIC Buckle Lock