Barang langka dari taftoys ya moms selalu dateng dan selalu sold out ! Kali ini kita nyetok byk make sure kali ini ga kelewatan ya!
Fungsinya apa? Nah ini bs digantung dibabybox gt atau dimainin gt aja
Ada music yg relaxing, white noises, suara air dll, gunanya buat bikin sikecil enak bobo ya, ada juga suara shush shush gt
Ada nightlamp juga
Dan kerennya ada sensor, kalau sikecil nangis dia bisa nyala jdi seakan ada org nemeni sikecil ya buat nenagin
Bisa diadjust volume suaranya bisa tekan dari perut penguin, dan sikecil bisa adjust sendiri juga pakai tarik !!
Harga super affordable buat fitur sebanyak ini ya
Hanya 489rb ✨✨ Ga lupa selalu pakai aksen hitam putih utk melatih mata sikecil ya ✨
Details :
Delightful, first toy for baby that can soothe and calm at bedtime and entertain during the day.
Overview :
• “Soothing mode” sounds include water stream, shushing and rain accompanied by soft light. Each option plays for 15 minutes, just long enough for baby to drift off to sleep.
• “Play mode” with four melodies and child voice.
• “Light mode” soft night light activates for 10 minutes. Activated by pulling the teether or by pressing the light unit.
Details :
• Sound sensor reactivates music & light when baby starts crying, helping him to stay asleep.
Gambar produk
Taftoys Prince The Penguin Baby SootherTaftoys Prince The Penguin Baby SootherTaftoys Prince The Penguin Baby Soother