Taco vs. Burito is a deliciously unpredictable card game where players compete to create the weirdest, wildest meal. On your turn: Draw one card and:
Add an ingredient card to a Taco/Burrito - or -
Add Tummy Aches to reduce the value of a meal -or-
Add a Hot Sauce Boss to double the value of a meal!
- or - Play an action card But beware! The Health Inspector and Order Envy can ruin your meal. Gameplay continues clockwise with players drawing and playing cards until the draw pile is gone. Once any one player is out of cards the game is instantly over and the player with the most points wins!
Barang ini adalah non original, melainkan Replica Ori 1:1 Membeli = Memahami dan menyetujui 🙏
Berikut jam operasional kami: Senin - Sabtu. Minggu Kurir ANTERAJA TUTUP, maka paket yang menggunakan kurir ANTERAJA akan dikirim hari berikutnya 🙏 Pengiriman maksimal jam 14:30 akan dikirim pada hari yang sama
Syarat Komplain: 1. Harap sertakan video unboxing saat membuka paket 2. Video direkam jelas sebelum paket dibuka, hingga paket selesai dibuka 3. Kami tidak menerima video yang direkam setelah paket dibuka 4. Kami berhak menolak rekaman video yang terputus2 atau video yang merupakan hasil editan
Gambar produk
taco vs burrito board gametaco vs burrito board gametaco vs burrito board gametaco vs burrito board gametaco vs burrito board game