What better place could there be to play than a Secret Island Playhouse with two floors above the ocean. Every Sylvanian childs dream, this seaside hideaway is an idyllic place for your Sylvanians to have all manner of adventures, and it includes everything they'll need from a map and goggles, to a pair of fins that are just the right fit. As well as a neat log table and chairs, there are all sorts of accessories including decorative ivy, a book to keep them occupied and even a rainbow fish to spot when snorkelling. But shhhh! It's a secret!
Tambahkan bubble wrap di keranjang untuk packing lebih aman
Wajib Dibaca Sebelum Membeli : Kerusakan, kehilangan dan keterlambatan paket adalah wewenang tanggung jawab ekpedisi sepenuhnya. Kami seller memastikan bahwa produk dipacking dalam kondisi baik dan sudah dicek terlebih dahulu. Kami tidak menerima pengembalian dana/barang. Barang yang kami kirim sudah kami cek sebelum dikirim.
Sylvanian Families Secret Island PlayhouseSylvanian Families Secret Island PlayhouseSylvanian Families Secret Island PlayhouseSylvanian Families Secret Island PlayhouseSylvanian Families Secret Island Playhouse