When your Sylvanians have toothache, they pop to the Sylvnanian Village Dentist to get their molars looked at. Alex the Milk Rabbit Father is the local dentist, and this set includes him wearing his dentist’s uniform. In Sylvania, the dentist is nothing to be afraid of, and many small Sylvanians look forward to their six monthly check ups. With nibbling and chewing so integral to life in Sylvania, this set comes with a dental treatment chair, as well as a dental table and a chair for your resident dentist. There's also all the things you could need for a check-up including: 2 toothbrushes, a mirror, an apron, 2 bottles, 2 cups to rinse at the end of your session, a mask and 4 treatment tools. Why not get this set to make sure that your Sylvanians’ teeth are in the best shape they can be, whether their wisdom gnashers have just started coming through, or their milk teeth have yet to fall out! Perfect for playing with alongside the Country Doctor, which is sold separately.
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Wajib Dibaca Sebelum Membeli : Kerusakan, kehilangan dan keterlambatan paket adalah wewenang tanggung jawab ekpedisi sepenuhnya. Kami seller memastikan bahwa produk dipacking dalam kondisi baik dan sudah dicek terlebih dahulu. Kami tidak menerima pengembalian dana/barang. Barang yang kami kirim sudah kami cek sebelum dikirim.
Sylvanian Families Country Dentist SetSylvanian Families Country Dentist SetSylvanian Families Country Dentist SetSylvanian Families Country Dentist SetSylvanian Families Country Dentist Set