Detail SYB Facial Glowing Peeling Gel With Milk & Snail / FACIAL GLOWING PEELING GEL SYB MILK & SNAIL 130ml
SYB Facial Glowing Peeling Gel With Milk & Snail Gel pembersih yang mengangkat semua kotoran dan lapisan sel kulit mati di permukaan kulit sehingga kulit tampak lebih halus dan cerah. Dengan kandungan vitamin & moisturizer akan memberikan kelembaban dan nutrisi lebih pada kulit. Kulit tampak lebih elastis. Mengandung glowing agent yang akan membuat kulit menjadi bercahaya setelah pemakaian.
Cara Pakai : Usapkan perlahan ke kulit dan gosok selama 5 – 10 menit. Semua kotoran akan terangkat. Cuci dengan air. Rasakan kulit yang bercahaya setelah pemakaian.
Cleansing gel for removes all impurities and layers of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin so that the skin looks smoother and brighter. With vitamin & moisturizer will provide more moisture and nutrients in the skin. Skin looks more elastic. Contains glowing agent that will make skin become radiant after use.
Usage : Apply gently to the skin and rub for 5 - 10 minutes. All the dirt will lifted. Wash with water. Feel the radiant skin after use Caution: Do not apply on sensitive, irritated and damage skin. Avoid contact with eyes.Discontinue use if signs of irritation appear.
Netto : 130ml NO NA : 18190122080
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SYB Facial Glowing Peeling Gel With Milk & Snail / FACIAL GLOWING PEELING GEL SYB MILK & SNAIL 130mlSYB Facial Glowing Peeling Gel With Milk & Snail / FACIAL GLOWING PEELING GEL SYB MILK & SNAIL 130ml