Switch Superepic / Super Epic The Entertainment War

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Detail Switch Superepic / Super Epic The Entertainment War

Switch Superepic The Entertainment War

SuperEpic: The Entertainment Waris a Metroidvania style adventure with a humorous and satirical tone. It’s a nonlinear fast-paced action-adventure game, heavy on exploration and combo-based combat, which stars a raccoon and a llama in their quest to save videogames as we know them.

Set in a not-to-distant dystopian future, where a single videogame development company, RegnantCorp, controls an Orwellian society with exploitative, addictive and brainwashing freemium videogames. Ramming into their headquarters, the heroes uncover the whole conspiracy as they explore a surreal castle-like office full of enemies, challenges, secrets and corporate pigs.

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Switch Superepic / Super Epic The Entertainment War
Switch Superepic / Super Epic The Entertainment War

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