Detail Sweater jaket BPAE Shark Camo crewneck Bpae shark Wgm glow in the dark
>BAHAN KATUN ORIGINAL > Meliliki serat benang yang bercahaya dan ringan. > Sangat nyaman saat dipakai. > Jahitan Overdeck (salah satu jenis jahitan yang dihasilkan oleh mesin overdeck high speed) berbeda dengan motip jahitan konfeksi biasa.
You've got to try it and feel it real cotton 100% not polyster.
SIZE CHART : M : P 64-66cm - L 50-55cm L : P 69-70cm - L 56-57cm XL : P 73-74cm - L 60-61cm
terimakasih happy shooping !!!
Tolong Cantumkan Size dan warna pada keterangan order !
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Sweater jaket BPAE Shark Camo crewneck Bpae shark Wgm glow in the darkSweater jaket BPAE Shark Camo crewneck Bpae shark Wgm glow in the darkSweater jaket BPAE Shark Camo crewneck Bpae shark Wgm glow in the darkSweater jaket BPAE Shark Camo crewneck Bpae shark Wgm glow in the darkSweater jaket BPAE Shark Camo crewneck Bpae shark Wgm glow in the dark