Detail SUPER PROMO Car Seat Joie every stage FX Isofix SIGNATURE
Produk ini adalah produk dengan volume barang besar, kami setting 1 kg pada biaya ongkir hanya untuk transaksi. biasanya akan kami infokan biaya pengiriman dengan ekspedisi / kurir secara terpisah
Untuk lokasi jakarta bisa KONSULTASIKAN dengan kami terlebih dahulu untuk biaya kirim menggunakan Kurir toko/gojek/gocar sebelom order karena tergantung besarnya barang dan lokasi pengiriman
untuk lokasi luar kota/pulau kami bisa coba carikan biaya ongkir termurah melalui darat dan juga laut
(Terkadang ongkir di setting melebihi 1 kg mungkin karena customer sebelomnya order dan belom di ganti kembali ke 1 kg jadi bisa langsung KONSULTASI KE KAMI ya kalau bingung langsung tanya aja kalo kirim ke kota X kena berapa nanti kami bantu
Product Description : Group 0+/1/2/3 car seat . Suitable rearward facing from birth to 18kg/4 years . Suitable forward facing from 9kg to 36kg/12 years . 6 recline positions: 2 rear facing and 4 forward facing . Easy installation with ISOFIX and top tether when using in forward facing group 1 mode . Side impact protection provides added security for the head, body, and hips . Guard Surround Safety™ panels provide extra side protection and fold into seat when not in use . One-hand, 10 position height adjustable headrest . AutoAdjust™ side wings widen as headrest is raised to accommodate growing children . Reinforced steel inner seat shell increases structural integrity . 3 piece flexible insert system includes an infant head support, infant body support, and infant wedge - all customisable for the ultimate fit at every stage . Grow Together™ multi-height headrest and harness system adjust simultaneously and require no re-threading of harness . Custom Harness Hideaway compartments store the 5-point harness when using as a Group 2/3 booster . Plush, deluxe cushioning and fabrics . Built in side ventilation . Side, mesh storage pockets for child’s must-have travel items . Well marked, colour-coded installation paths . Dual lock-offs for installing with vehicle’s 3-point seat belt . BabySoft 5-point harness with shoulder and lower buckle covers . One pull motion easily tightens the 5-point harness #twjoie #jualjoie #joieindo #joieindonesia #jualjoiemimzy #jualjoiefloat #jualjoiesteadi #jualjoiemuzetravelsystem #jualstroller #jualcarseat #jualcarseatanak #carseat #carseatanak #carseatbayi #carseatbaby #carseatjoie #jualperlengkapanbayi
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SUPER PROMO Car Seat Joie every stage FX Isofix SIGNATURESUPER PROMO Car Seat Joie every stage FX Isofix SIGNATURESUPER PROMO Car Seat Joie every stage FX Isofix SIGNATURESUPER PROMO Car Seat Joie every stage FX Isofix SIGNATURESUPER PROMO Car Seat Joie every stage FX Isofix SIGNATURESUPER PROMO Car Seat Joie every stage FX Isofix SIGNATURESUPER PROMO Car Seat Joie every stage FX Isofix SIGNATURESUPER PROMO Car Seat Joie every stage FX Isofix SIGNATURESUPER PROMO Car Seat Joie every stage FX Isofix SIGNATURE