Detail Sumifun Salep Penghilang Kutil/ Wart Removal Cream / Ekstrak Herbal Repair Clean Skin/ Skin Tag Remover/ Menghilangkan Kutil Tahi Lalat Mata Ikan
Video perkenalan produk Sumifun Salep Penghilang Kutil/ Wart Removal Cream / Ekstrak Herbal Repair Clean Skin/ Skin Tag Remover/ Menghilangkan Kutil Tahi Lalat Mata Ikan. Sumber: Shopee.
Efek: Efektif menghilangkan dan menyembuhkan kutil biasa, kutil plantar, kutil pipih, kutil kelamin, dan infeksi virus lainnya pada kulit. Krim kutil menembus dan bekerja dengan cepat dari dalam kutil, menghancurkan struktur kutil dari dalam ke luar, memberi Anda hasil yang Anda inginkan, yang hadir dalam krim nyaman yang kecil dan ringan untuk dibawa bersama Anda, dan mudah untuk menerapkan.
Function: Relief discomfort Ease the pain and discomfort associated with wart growth, Wart Cream reduces friction on the surface of the wart so that irritation caused by movementsor contact is relieved.
Fast acting and effective wart cream penetrates and works quickly from the inside of the wart, breaking down the structure of the wart from the inside out, giving you the result that you want
Easy treatment The wart cream comes in convenient small bottles that are small and light to take with you, and is easy to apply. The easy application means you can keep your treatment consistentand effective
How to use: 1. Squeeze the liquid on a cotton swab 2. Place the swab on your skin tag 3. Repeat this process up to four times a day 4. The liquid may dry the tag until it falls of
Directions: Use twice daily, morning and night. Apply a small amount (match head size) gently use your fingertip to Massage the cream in for 1-2 minutes. While results may vary, most see results within few days of starting treatment.
Effect: Effectively removes and heals common warts, plantar warts, flat
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Sumifun Salep Penghilang Kutil/ Wart Removal Cream / Ekstrak Herbal Repair Clean Skin/ Skin Tag Remover/ Menghilangkan Kutil Tahi Lalat Mata IkanSumifun Salep Penghilang Kutil/ Wart Removal Cream / Ekstrak Herbal Repair Clean Skin/ Skin Tag Remover/ Menghilangkan Kutil Tahi Lalat Mata IkanSumifun Salep Penghilang Kutil/ Wart Removal Cream / Ekstrak Herbal Repair Clean Skin/ Skin Tag Remover/ Menghilangkan Kutil Tahi Lalat Mata IkanSumifun Salep Penghilang Kutil/ Wart Removal Cream / Ekstrak Herbal Repair Clean Skin/ Skin Tag Remover/ Menghilangkan Kutil Tahi Lalat Mata IkanSumifun Salep Penghilang Kutil/ Wart Removal Cream / Ekstrak Herbal Repair Clean Skin/ Skin Tag Remover/ Menghilangkan Kutil Tahi Lalat Mata IkanSumifun Salep Penghilang Kutil/ Wart Removal Cream / Ekstrak Herbal Repair Clean Skin/ Skin Tag Remover/ Menghilangkan Kutil Tahi Lalat Mata IkanSumifun Salep Penghilang Kutil/ Wart Removal Cream / Ekstrak Herbal Repair Clean Skin/ Skin Tag Remover/ Menghilangkan Kutil Tahi Lalat Mata IkanSumifun Salep Penghilang Kutil/ Wart Removal Cream / Ekstrak Herbal Repair Clean Skin/ Skin Tag Remover/ Menghilangkan Kutil Tahi Lalat Mata IkanSumifun Salep Penghilang Kutil/ Wart Removal Cream / Ekstrak Herbal Repair Clean Skin/ Skin Tag Remover/ Menghilangkan Kutil Tahi Lalat Mata Ikan