Detail Strap OPPO BAND WOVEN NYLON sport Tali pengganti smart watch
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Deskripsi Produk :
Available Colour / Warna yang ready : - Hitam -pino - Hijau
Material: Woven Nylon Highlight: * Untuk OPPO BAND * Terasa lebih nyaman * Bahan kasing: kasing silikon * warna case tidak dapat berubah warna * Tidak ada pengaruh untuk pengisian nirkabel dan Pantau detak jantung
Overview Soft, breathable and lightweight, sweatproof, the Nike Sport Loop is designed for fitness, with select colours matched to the new line of Nike running shoes. It features a hook-and-loop fastener for quick and easy adjustment and a double-layer nylon weave with dense loops on the skin side that provide soft cushioning while allowing moisture to escape. On the reverse side, the attachment loops are securely anchored for superior durability.
Gambar produk
Strap OPPO BAND WOVEN NYLON sport Tali pengganti smart watchStrap OPPO BAND WOVEN NYLON sport Tali pengganti smart watchStrap OPPO BAND WOVEN NYLON sport Tali pengganti smart watchStrap OPPO BAND WOVEN NYLON sport Tali pengganti smart watch