Detail Stik/joystik/gamepad.wireless turbo buat pc ps2 ps3u
Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3 consoles, PC and Android TV (SMART TV) RF 2.4G wireless tech Receiving range is up to 5 - 20 meters Double vibration feedbacks motors Digital and analog mode choices Players can shift between these modes freely connecting and modes shifting LED indicators
Compatible with Microsoft Windows Me, XP, NT, and Vista operating systems Eight-way directional buttons, 12 fire buttons and two analog sticks Turbo and clear special function Built-in motors and double vibration Slip-resistant handle Without any screws outside Stik Wireless ini Bisa buat PS2, PC, PS3 PC dan android tombol empuk stik nya pas di genggaman tangan
Menggunakan 3 Baterai AAA
Ready warna -abu kosong -Biru kosong -orange ready -merah ready jika warna yg diminta tidak tersedia,kami akan kirim secara acak/random
Ready stok warna abu2 dan biru, Merah, gold Kadang bisa aja ganti merek ya bos tergantung persediaan stok ya fungsi tetap Sama Ready 4warna jika pesan tidak meninggalkan note warna kita kirim random sesuai stok warna
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Stik/joystik/gamepad.wireless turbo buat pc ps2 ps3uStik/joystik/gamepad.wireless turbo buat pc ps2 ps3uStik/joystik/gamepad.wireless turbo buat pc ps2 ps3uStik/joystik/gamepad.wireless turbo buat pc ps2 ps3u