Detail Sticker Xpander Panel Head Unit - Motif Carbon
Sticker Motif Carbon untuk panel tape atau head unit audio mobil Mitsubishi Xpander / Xpander Cross / All New Nissan Livina.
Spesifikasi: -Stiker perekat diri. -Tahan lama, fleksibel -Mudah dibersihkan dengan air.
Tersedia 2 warna : Silver black atau Black-black
Aplikasi : - Cara memasang cukup mudah dapat dilakukan sendiri (DIY) di rumah. - Panel dibersihkan terlebih dahulu dari minyak dan debu (debu dapat menyebabkan gelembung). - Gunakan semprotan air sabun dan kain lap karet (kain lap yang tidak berbulu) tinggal dirapikan secara perlahan-lahan.
Paket termasuk: - 1 Strip Panel Head Unit - Petunjuk cara pemasangan
Catatan: -Karena perbedaan pengaturan layar dan cahaya, warna item mungkin sedikit berbeda dari gambar. Tetap secara keseluruhan warna tidak berbeda jauh dari yang ditampilkan.
"Stok Banyak" ..silahkan bisa langsung di order.
TERIMA KASIH,,,Happy shoping^^
Carbon Sticker for the audio head unit panel Mitsubishi Xpander / Xpander Cross / All New Nissan Livina.
Specification: -Self-adhesive sticker. -Durable, flexible. -Easy to clean with water.
Available colors: Silver black or Black-black
Application: - Installation is quite easy to do yourself (DIY) at home. -The panels are cleaned beforehand of oil and dust (dust can cause bubbles). - Use a spray of soapy water and a rubber rag (a lint-free cloth) to gently trim.
Package includes: - 1 Strip Panel Head Unit - Instructions on how to install
Note: Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. Still overall the color does not differ much from what is shown.
"Sticker Always Available" .. please can directly order.
Sticker Xpander Panel Head Unit - Motif CarbonSticker Xpander Panel Head Unit - Motif CarbonSticker Xpander Panel Head Unit - Motif CarbonSticker Xpander Panel Head Unit - Motif CarbonSticker Xpander Panel Head Unit - Motif Carbon