Sticker timbul variasi pelengkap tambahan agar mobil anda tampil lebih carbon.
Spesifikasi: -Stiker Timbul perekat diri dengan motif carbon. -Awet dan tahan segala cuaca baik hujan maupun panas. -Mudah dibersihkan dengan air.
Tersedia 4 pilihan warna : Black- black , Black Silver, Carbon 6D dan Black Glossy
Aplikasi : - Cara memasang cukup mudah dapat dilakukan sendiri di rumah. - Panel dibersihkan terlebih dahulu dari minyak dan debu.. - Gunakan semprotan air sabun dan kain lap karet (kain lap yang tidak berbulu) , tempel dan tinggal dirapikan secara perlahan-lahan cukup dengan jari.
Mohon diperhatikan : -Karena perbedaan pengaturan layar dan cahaya, warna produk mungkin ada sedikit berbeda dari gambar.
"Stok Banyak" ..silahkan bisa langsung di order.
TERIMA KASIH,,,Happy shoping^^
Embossed Stickers can add complementary variations so that your car looks more carbon.
Specification: - Self-adhesive Embossed Sticker with carbon look. - Durable and resistant to all weather, both rain and heat. - Easy to clean with water.
Available colors: Black-black, Black Silver, Carbon 6D, and Black Glossy
Application: - Installation is quite easy, do it yourself (DIY) at home. - The panel is cleaned first from oil and dust. - Use a spray of soapy water and a rubber rag (a lint-free cloth), stick it and just gently wipe it with your fingers.
Please note : -Due to the light and screen setting difference, the product's color may be slightly different from the pictures.
"Stocks always available" .. please can directly order.