Detail Stainless Steel Straw Sedotan Minuman 2 Warna Two Tone (SET 5 in 1) Terbaru BONUS 2 SILIKON SEDOTAN
NOTE: Produk terbaru hanya ada di Nature Concept, warna special untuk anda yg trendy & tampil beda. Harga adalah per 1 set isi 5 pcs : - 1 sedotan lurus - 1 sedotan bengkok - 1 sedotan bubble (boba) lurus - 1 sikat sedotan - 1 kantong Canvas BONUS : 2 pcs silikon sedotan untuk sedotan 6mm, bukan untuk sedotan bubble (boba), Warna silikon sedotan yang tersedia : merah, biru, pink, light green, purple, yellow. ( Mohon tulis tulis warna yang diinginkan di catatan, kalau tidak ada catatan akan dikirim warna random.
Kelebihan Sedotan Nature Concept dibanding seller lain : 1. Tiap sedotan stainless memiliki individual packaging untuk menjaga kebersihan & mencegah lecet satu dengan yang lain, berbeda dengan Seller lain yang menjual tanpa individual packaging. 2. Menggunakan Canvas Pouch import, bukan lokal atau kantong kain hitam yang kualitasnya lebih rendah/tipis yang harganya lebih murah. 3. Bahan Stainless 304 berkualitas yg anti-karat, beda dengan seller lain yg murah tapi menggunakan bahan stainless 201 yang bisa korosi/karat. 4. Bonus 2 pcs silikon sedotan, hanya ada di Nature Concept. Nature Concept berusaha memberikan harga dan pelayanan terbaik untuk anda.
The Benefits of Stainless Steel Straws With the increasing climatic changes and the growing concern about the harmful effects of plastic, it’s time we switch to healthier and more environmentally friendly alternatives. According to Isfoundation, plastic straws contain BisphenolA (BPA).
BPA is a harmful chemical found in plastics that mimics the activity of hormones, most commonly estrogen, which can lead to a number of reproductive disorders and other conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease.
Stainless steel straws are ideal for just about any occasion. Not only do they add elegance to your dining room but are considerably more durable as compared to plastic straws.
Benefits and Uses of Using Stainless Steel Straws - Environmentally Friendly - Reusable - Easy to Clean - Perfectly Safe to Use - Great Gift - Unique and Elegant - Increased Tensile Strength (Did you know steel straws have enough tensile strength so you could enjoy orange juice directly from an orange? That is right, just push the straw into the fruit and enjoy! Imagine trying that with a plastic straw) - Enjoy Your Drink Longer - Safe for Kids - Great for Travel
Conclusion Invest in stainless steel straws. Not only are they environmentally friendly but will last longer than any other plastic straw.
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Stainless Steel Straw Sedotan Minuman 2 Warna Two Tone (SET 5 in 1) Terbaru BONUS 2 SILIKON SEDOTANStainless Steel Straw Sedotan Minuman 2 Warna Two Tone (SET 5 in 1) Terbaru BONUS 2 SILIKON SEDOTANStainless Steel Straw Sedotan Minuman 2 Warna Two Tone (SET 5 in 1) Terbaru BONUS 2 SILIKON SEDOTANStainless Steel Straw Sedotan Minuman 2 Warna Two Tone (SET 5 in 1) Terbaru BONUS 2 SILIKON SEDOTAN