Spon Mangga Muda | Beauty Blender Mangga The sponge is very comfortable to use with microcapsule technology XX052
Spon Mangga Muda | Beauty Blender Mangga The sponge is very comfortable to use with microcapsule technology XX052
Deskripsi singkat
Perawatan & Kecantikan > Aksesoris Make Up > Make Up Sponge & Applicator > Spon Mangga Muda | Beauty Blender Mangga The sponge is very comfortable to use with microcapsule technology XX052
Detail Spon Mangga Muda | Beauty Blender Mangga The sponge is very comfortable to use with microcapsule technology XX052
Pendatang baru yang lagi hits di dunia make up. MANGO MAKE UP SPONGE.
Buktikan ini beda!!! ✓ Tidak menyerap banyak produk, jadi hemat foundation ✓ Super duper fleksibel ✓ Spon sangat nyaman digunakan dengan teknologi microcapsule ✓ Mudah dicuci (dianjurkan untuk mencuci 1x seminggu dengan sabun/ sampo bayi) ✓ Tidak mudah rusak/gopel saat kena kuku ✓ Mudah mengembang saat dibasahi ✓ Size spon kering: +/- panjang 7 cm & lebar 4,5 cm
#sponge #mangga #mango blender
Gambar produk
Spon Mangga Muda | Beauty Blender Mangga The sponge is very comfortable to use with microcapsule technology XX052Spon Mangga Muda | Beauty Blender Mangga The sponge is very comfortable to use with microcapsule technology XX052Spon Mangga Muda | Beauty Blender Mangga The sponge is very comfortable to use with microcapsule technology XX052Spon Mangga Muda | Beauty Blender Mangga The sponge is very comfortable to use with microcapsule technology XX052Spon Mangga Muda | Beauty Blender Mangga The sponge is very comfortable to use with microcapsule technology XX052Spon Mangga Muda | Beauty Blender Mangga The sponge is very comfortable to use with microcapsule technology XX052Spon Mangga Muda | Beauty Blender Mangga The sponge is very comfortable to use with microcapsule technology XX052Spon Mangga Muda | Beauty Blender Mangga The sponge is very comfortable to use with microcapsule technology XX052Spon Mangga Muda | Beauty Blender Mangga The sponge is very comfortable to use with microcapsule technology XX052