Bahan : Plastik ABS (standart iso) merk. : K/j/S cat. : memakai cat oven stadart Toyota ,sehingga warna akan sama seperti bawaan mobil dan tahan cuaca.
Harga sudah termasuk pilihan warna + Lampu dan free baut dan bublle wrap untuk pengrmasan.
Terima kasih ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spoiler Inova / grand Inova 2005-2015
Material: ABS plastic (standard iso) brand. : K / j / S paint. : use Toyota stadart oven paint, so that the color will be the same as the default car and weather resistant.
The price includes a choice of colors + lights and free bolts and bubble wrap for rinsing.
thank you
Gambar produk
Spoiler Toyota Innova with lampu originalSpoiler Toyota Innova with lampu original