Detail spoiler topi belakang dan diffuser brio 2019 - 2023model rs free logo honda crom
Video perkenalan produk spoiler topi belakang dan diffuser brio 2019 - 2020 model rs free logo honda crom. Sumber: Shopee.
Paket Diffuser dan spoiler Allnew Brio 2019 -2020 free logo honda
Bahan : plastic abs (standard ISO) Merk : K/j/s, 99 % kwalitas original warna cat 99% mirip seperti bawaan mobil, tidak mudah pudar karena kita memakai cat khusus Honda dan melalui pengecatan memakai oven.
NB ; Harga diatas sudah termasuk warna cat dan lampu rem berserta baut untuk pemansangan.
Bahan : Diffuser plastik ABS seperti original Honda sudah Ter masuk tutup towing dan juga kancing dilengkapi juga dengan lem 3m untuk pemansangan diffuser
Harga diatas harga paket spoiler dan diffuser allnew brio 2019-2020
Terima Kasih ___________________________________________________ spoiler Allnew Brio 2019-2020 diffuser and spoiler package free logo honda
Material: abs plastic (ISO standard) Brand: K / j / s, 99% original quality 99% paint color is similar to the default car, not easy to fade because we use Honda special paint and go through painting using the oven.
NB; The price above includes paint color and brake light along with bolts for installation.
Material: ABS plastic diffuser like the original Honda has included the towing cap and the buttons are also equipped with 3m glue for diffuser installation. Prices are above the price of the allnew brio spoiler and diffuser package 2019-2020
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spoiler topi belakang dan diffuser brio 2019 - 2023model rs free logo honda cromspoiler topi belakang dan diffuser brio 2019 - 2023model rs free logo honda crom