Detail Splicer FO ALK-88A 6 Motor Core to Core Grs
Splicer FO ALK-88A 6 Motor Core to Core Grs Mesin 3 Tahun
Long lifetime : 1group batteries. 200 fiber splicing ,no memory effect Lithium Batteries ,the fiber cleaver has 16 blade , long lifetime. Convenience : convenient for maintenance Applicable Fiber Type SM,MM,DS,NZDS Applicable Fiber Count Single Splice loss evaluation Have Tensile test 2N Optical magnification X / Y : 115 times, X, or Y: 230 times Power Supply 11.1V lithium battery, 13.5V/5A power adapter, 12V vehicle power supply Battery Typical Operating 220 (splice / heat shrink / thermal stripping) on a single charge 3h, can be reused 500 times Maximum storage 5000 set of the latest record storage
Kelengkapan Fusion Splicer ALK-88A Optical Fiber Fusion Splicer : 1 unit Power Adapter : 1 unit AC Power Line : 1 unit Electrodes : 1 unit Cooler : 1 unit Stripper : 1 unit Miller Clamp : 1 unit Specificatuin : 1 unit
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Splicer FO ALK-88A 6 Motor Core to Core GrsSplicer FO ALK-88A 6 Motor Core to Core GrsSplicer FO ALK-88A 6 Motor Core to Core Grs