Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX

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Detail Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX

Video perkenalan produk Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX. Sumber: Shopee.


Keunggulan Produk :
โ–ถ 2.1 Sound Channel Desktop Speaker
โ–ถ Speaker Design mini dan unggul
โ–ถ 5V USB Powered
โ–ถ Dengan Switch Volume Control
โ–ถ Sangat mudah untuk mengatur volume
โ–ถ Mendukung jenis perangkat output jack AUX 3.5 mm


Spesifikasi :
โ–ถ Merk : Kisonli
โ–ถ Model : S-888
โ–ถ Bahan : Plastik
โ–ถ Supply Voltage : DC5V
โ–ถ Output Power : 3W x 2
โ–ถ Impedance : 4
โ–ถ Product Size : 85 x 65 x 120 mm


๐’๐ฒ๐š๐ซ๐š๐ญ ๐ƒ๐š๐ง ๐Š๐ž๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ฎ๐š๐ง ๐Š๐ฅ๐š๐ข๐ฆ ๐†๐€๐‘๐€๐๐’๐ˆ
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Sebelum barang dikirim akan melalui tahap pemeriksaan. Setelah itu barang akan dikemas rapi, dan hampir semua barang dilapisi bubble wrap yang melindungi barang tetap aman sampai di tujuan

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Pesanan akan dikirim 1 x 24 jam dan otomatis resi akan terupdate jika sudah di input sama pihak jasa kirim


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Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX
Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX
Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX
Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX
Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX
Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX
Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX
Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX
Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX
Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX
Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX
Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX
Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX
Speaker Mini Komputer / Laptop S-888 Hitam Kisonli Super Bass Effect With Volume Control - XOBOX