Detail Speaker Bluetooth + Mic Karaoke Portable JBK-6523 Wireless Karaoke SPEAKER KOPER PORTABLE SPEAKER MUSIC BOX BLUETOOTH
Selamat datang di Pikagram :) **HAPPY SHOPPING**
- Speaker karaoke super bass - Ukuran 6'5 inchi Double Speaker - Output: RMS 4 10WTHD 10% - FREQUENCY RESPONSE: 100-18000HZ - SIGNAL AND NOISE RATIO OF POWER AMPLIFIER: 80dB - LOUDSPEAKER: 6.5INCH*2 (EXTERNAL DIAMETER 165MM) - POWER SUPPLIED: 5.0V/1A -BATTERY CAPACITY: 1500mAH -MIC CABLE 3M.
SILAHKAN PILIH MOTIF YG ANDA MAU, BILA KOSONG AKAN KAMI KIRIM RANDOM MEMBELI = SETUJU Semua barang sudah dicek fungsinya sebelum dikirim, NO RETUR/COMPLAIN Semua Barang yg dijual ready, jika kosong akan kami segera gudangkan. Tulis Warna / Motif yg anda inginkan di memo pesanan, Tulis juga alternatif warna / motif cadangan untuk mempercepat proses pengiriman, jika warna / motif yg diminta sedang kosong, maka akan langsung kami kirimkan random sesuai stok kami yg ready saat itu.
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Gambar produk
Speaker Bluetooth + Mic Karaoke Portable JBK-6523 Wireless Karaoke SPEAKER KOPER PORTABLE SPEAKER MUSIC BOX BLUETOOTHSpeaker Bluetooth + Mic Karaoke Portable JBK-6523 Wireless Karaoke SPEAKER KOPER PORTABLE SPEAKER MUSIC BOX BLUETOOTHSpeaker Bluetooth + Mic Karaoke Portable JBK-6523 Wireless Karaoke SPEAKER KOPER PORTABLE SPEAKER MUSIC BOX BLUETOOTHSpeaker Bluetooth + Mic Karaoke Portable JBK-6523 Wireless Karaoke SPEAKER KOPER PORTABLE SPEAKER MUSIC BOX BLUETOOTHSpeaker Bluetooth + Mic Karaoke Portable JBK-6523 Wireless Karaoke SPEAKER KOPER PORTABLE SPEAKER MUSIC BOX BLUETOOTH