Detail Sonic Gear TWS 3+ Wireless Bluetooth Earphone
Deskripsi Sonic Gear TWS 3+ Wireless Bluetooth Earphone
Note : + Cek stock terlebih dahulu sebelum order (Ketersediaan Terbatas) + Gambar hanya ilustrasi, versi produk dapat berbeda tergantung kebijakan vendor, namun tidak mengurangi spesifikasi dan fungsi produk + Request warna, ukuran dll. WAJIB cantumkan pada keterangan saat order. Jika tidak maka unit kami kirim secara random + Berat tercantum BELUM termasuk Pack kayu dan Asuransi, Tanpa atc Packing kayu & Asuransi maka segala resiko pengiriman ditanggung PEMBELI + Simpan dus dan invoice pembelian untuk klaim garansi
Deskripsi SonicGear TWS 3+ Gaming Wireless Bluetooth Earphone Bertahan Hingga 24 JAM! 6 Jam baterai earpump + 3x Charger case TYPE MICRO USB - Charging Time(EarPhone) : 1 Hour ( From 0 to 100% ) - Charging Time(Battery Case) : 2 Hour ( From 0 to 100% )
Specification : - Bluetooth 5.0 - Ergonomic In Ear Design - 10 Meter Range - Stereo Sound - Mini Lightweight - Touch Control - Super Mic Reception - Charging Time(EarPhone) : 1 Hour ( From 0 to 100%) - Charging Time(Battery Case) : 2 Hour ( From 0 to 100%) - 6 Hour Music Play Time (50% Volume) + 18 Hour for Battery Case - Support Intelligent Voice Assistant ( Siri and Google Assistant ) - Driver Size : 2 x 10mm - Driver Sensitivity at 1KHz / 1mW : 96 +/- 3dB- Frequency Response : 20hz - 20khz - Maximum Input Power : 10 mW - Impedance : 16 Ohm +/- 15% - Battery Type : Lithium-Ion Battery (30mAh/3.7V)
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Sonic Gear TWS 3+ Wireless Bluetooth EarphoneSonic Gear TWS 3+ Wireless Bluetooth EarphoneSonic Gear TWS 3+ Wireless Bluetooth EarphoneSonic Gear TWS 3+ Wireless Bluetooth EarphoneSonic Gear TWS 3+ Wireless Bluetooth Earphone