Perawatan & Kecantikan > Parfum & Wewangian > Parfum & Wewangian Unisex > SONAR Parfum/Perfume Date U - Play X - Sport Y - X Anya - x Roughneck - Lust 50ml Original
Detail SONAR Parfum/Perfume Date U - Play X - Sport Y - X Anya - x Roughneck - Lust 50ml Original
âś…DATE U its charismatic, classy, bold dan powerful. So much alpha in the bottle. Killer saat dipakai dating, Pergi berdua sama wanita berkelas yang anggun ke rooftop cafe or jazz lounge, damn, perfect. A charismatic alpha womanizer such as Mr. James Bond would wear this one a date with his ladies.
Longevity : 6-7 hrs indoor / 3-4 hrs outdoor. Sillage and projection : 2 meters Size : 50ml - ✅PLAY X Parfum ini sexy banget wanginya.. smooth, sexy, yet fresh. Paling “nyala” kalau dipakai socializing di cafe saat siang atau malam hangout di bar. Perfume ini dibuat untuk having fun, it is playful yet seducing. A man like Christian Grey would wear this one all day, all night.
Longevity : 6-7 hrs indoor / 3-4 hrs outdoor. Sillage and projection : 2 meters Size : 50ml - âś…SPORT Y namanya jelas ya this one is energetic, fresh, clean dan long lasting. Dipakai saat siang ke kampus, kantor atau kegiataan yang aktif. Full energy and power, a man like Cristian Ronaldo would wear this one all afternoon, even at night.
Longevity : 7 hrs indoor / 4 hrs outdoor. Sillage and projection : 3 meters Size : 50ml - âś…ANYA. Beautiful, sexy, sophisticated,fun and energetic. This perfume reflect the characteristic perfectly Sexy dipakai dipakai wanita dan charismatic dipakai pria. No one will have the power to resist it. And if you ask, of course ANYA wear this one, EVERYDAY. And if a man should wear it, it will be a man like Mr. Tony Stark, the Iron man himself.
Longevity : 4-6 hrs indoor / 3-4 hrs outdoor. Sillage and projection : 2 meters - âś…SONAR X ROUGHNECK satu kata yang sangat tepat untuk aroma perfume kolaborasi ini.. ELEGAN. It is elegantly powerful, berkelas, seductive, meradiasi. Pria masculine yang mengenakan tuxedo dan wanita dengan long dress hitam panjang muncul di imajinasi ketika mencium aroma perfume ini.
Longevity : 8-10 hrs indoor / 6-7 hrs outdoor. Sillage and projection : 2 meters - âś…Lust is bittersweet, it is smoothly sweet, elegant, flawless, it is truly a sex appeal in a bottle. Cocok bgt dipakai untuk memikat, karena aromanya yang unik di udara, siapapun yg menangkap wanginya akan berimajinasi, imajinasi yang indah dan erotis.