Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]

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Detail Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]

[NEW ARRIVALS!!] Korean's best pick lens! Another Blackpink's look alike lens yang warnanya super unik, cakep, dan bikin mata lebih wow 🤩🌟

Tone Aqua Blue-nya super unik--bikin warna mata jadi beda bangett, tapi jg gak berlebihan yaah! Karena motif dan patternnya bener-bener natural, ditambah juga diameternya yang kecil, softlens ini bikin warna mata sista lebih fancy tapi juga ga yang bikin besar berlebihan 😋❤️

Buat sista yg suka warna-warna softlens unik, you'll definitely in loOve with this lens!! Bener-bener cakep bangett di mata, bikin tampilan mata jadi lebih fresh & confidence level up📈📈!! Bisa banget dipake buat date-look sama pasangan jugakk 😋✨

Available in 5 colors: Aqua (Blue), Hazel (Brown), Gray, Lightgray, & Olive (Green) ❤️

Diameter 14.2mm | Basic Curve 8.6mm | Water Content 48% | 5-6months lifespan
Power: -0.00 up to -8.00 (please ask the availability first)
Boleh beda minus, FREE lenscase ❤️

✦ Untuk ukuran minus mohon ditanyakan terlebih dahulu & cantumkan di keterangan order yaa :)

✦ Semua product AVAILABLE untuk pengiriman INSTANT & SAMEDAY 🥳 Sista gak bisa pilih instant / sameday di product ini? Please chat us for more info! 😉

✦ Semua softlens memiliki GARANSI 7 HARI terhitung dari tanggal paket diterima, untuk info detailnya dapat di check pada highlight @mikhayloveshop “RETURN TERMS”. Or chat us for more info! 😊

✦ Garansi hanya dapat diklaim dengan menyertakan video unboxing, mengirim bukti foto jelas, dan mendiskusikan terlebih dahulu dengan kami sebelum menekan tombol Refund / Return. Mohon maaf, kami berhak menolak retur jika customer tidak dapat mengikuti TNC kami 🙏🏻

Thankyou for your understanding & happy shopping! ^^

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Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
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Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]
Softlens Scandi Aqua (Blue) | EOS Princess [Mikhayloveshop]