Detail Soft Case Protective Watch 1 2 3 4 5 44 42 40 38 TPU Color OPEN
Soft Case OPEN screen TPU electroplated colors untuk iwatch series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 size 44 42 40 38 tersedia semuanya , bisa untuk iwo smartwatch juga.
Soft case OPEN screen TPU electroplated colors premium quality. Tersedia 2 tipe: 1. FULLmenutup sampai layar juga (beli di link toko kami:) 2. open, layarnya ga tertutup, soft case hanya di bagian pinggir saja (beli di link yang ini )
___________ Warna Ready : - 38 : Rose Gold, Black, Silver, Space Grey - 40 : Silver, Pink, Black, Rose Gold - 42 : Silver, Pink, Black, Space Grey - 44 : Silver, Pink, Black, Space Grey, Rose Gold
Mohon perhatian:
Tidak info lengkap mengenai warna = kami kirim random. Warna yg diminta kosong = kami kirim warna lain, silahkan berikan warna cadangan di catatan. Pesanan diproses sesuai invoice BUKAN chat. BELI=SETUJU
_______ - Ultra thin dan softcase TPU electroplated - elegan, berwarna, memperlihatkan bentuk original watch - aman, melindungi case jam dari gesekan/benturan/gesekan dll tanpa membuat jam lecet saat pemasangan - mudah dipasang , dilepas, dicuci - TPU electroplated: feature an extra layer of metal over a weaker material, making it look like new again. - Electroplating is an electrochemical process that deposits a thin layer of metal on a metallic or plastic base. Electroplating phone cases helps avoid corrosion and gives them a hard surface with an attractive decorative finish.
______ Kami menjual berbagai jenis dan bentuk soft protective case untuk watch dan iwo smartwatch:
TPU jelly bening
Nike bumper case: bahan hard rubber case TPU full colour
Tempered glass: hanya melindungi layar jam saja
Gambar produk
Soft Case Protective Watch 1 2 3 4 5 44 42 40 38 TPU Color OPENSoft Case Protective Watch 1 2 3 4 5 44 42 40 38 TPU Color OPENSoft Case Protective Watch 1 2 3 4 5 44 42 40 38 TPU Color OPENSoft Case Protective Watch 1 2 3 4 5 44 42 40 38 TPU Color OPEN