WAJIB VIDEO UNBOXING DARI AWAL PAKET BELUM DIBUKA DARI BERBAGAI SUDUT SAMPAI ISI PAKET DIKELUARKAN SEMUA. TANPA VIDEO UNBOXING LENGKAP =NO KOMPLAIN KOMPLAIN SETELAH LEBIH DARI 2 HARI STATUS PAKET DITERIMA/STATUS TRANSAKSI SELESAI TIDAK DITERIMA DGN ALASAN APAPUN. TQ orderan masuk >>proses pesanan >> kurir pick up>> status otomatis berubah "Dikirim" Tanpa harus klik req pick-up>> pengiriman oleh kurir,seller Tidak bisa atur jam paket tiba d tujuan. STATUS & ESTIMASI tiba >>cek di daftar transaksi, klik "lacak" orderan akan diproses secepatny dlm batas waktu respon sistem,diusahakan dikirim hari yg sama,lewat jam pick up/kurir ga dtg pick up, ikut pengiriman besoknya.
Item No.: 82030 Product Name: 16 skewers of no-added chicken breast cowhide Specification: about 220g Product description: It does not contain any preservatives, pigments, hair color agents, antioxidants, natural materials without modification, this is a good product without additives . We believe that good products can be tasted during production, and Dogeman has always pursued excellent quality. Bring "safe" and "practical" to you and your pet! Raw material: chicken breast, cowhide