Detail SMIGGLE LunchBox 444338 Double Decker Dash Pink Lunch Box
Condition : Original Smiggle
Dimension : 24,5 x 15,5 x 15 cm.
Jumlah pcs : 1
Kondisi : Baru. Fulfillment by Cupliss
- Category : Lunch Box
- Two-tier storage
- Name label & carry handle
- BPA free and food grade safe
- Insulated and easy to clean lining.
#Smiggle #jualSmiggle #Smiggleoriginal #Smiggleasli #kado #hadiah #mainan #cupliss #cuplissstore #lunchbox #kolektorSmiggle #Smigglemurah #Smiggle444338 #jualSmiggle444338
Gambar produk
SMIGGLE LunchBox 444338 Double Decker Dash Pink Lunch Box
SMIGGLE LunchBox 444338 Double Decker Dash Pink Lunch Box
SMIGGLE LunchBox 444338 Double Decker Dash Pink Lunch Box