Detail Smartwatch GARMIN VENU SQ Music 1.3" - GARMIN VENU SQ NFC Music
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Smartwatch GARMIN VENU SQ Music 1.3"" - GARMIN VENU SQ NFC Music (010-02426-82)
Brand Garmin
Warna Navy/Light Gold
Ukuran Layar 1.3 Inch (33.1 mm) diagonal
Tipe Layar liquid crystal; optional always-on mode
Resolusi 240 x 240 pixels
Kompatibel iOS & Android
Konektivitas Bluetooth®, ANT+®
Sensor GPS, Glonass, Galileo, Garmin Elevate™ Wrist Heart Rate Monitor, Compass, Accelerometer, Thermometer, Ambient Light Sensor, Pulse Ox Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor
Memori 200 hours of activity data; up to 500 songs storage
Fitur Clock Features, Health Monitoring, Sensors, Daily Smart Features, Safety and Tracking Features, Activity Tracking Features, Gym & Fitness Equipment, Training Planning and Analysis Features, Running Features, Golfing Features, Outdoor Recreation, Cycling Features, Swimming Features, Kid Activity Tracking Features
Dimensi 40,6 x 37,0 x 11,5 mm
Berat 37,6 gr
Garansi Resmi : 2 Tahun
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Terima kasih.
Happy shopping 😊
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Smartwatch GARMIN VENU SQ Music 1.3" - GARMIN VENU SQ NFC Music
Smartwatch GARMIN VENU SQ Music 1.3" - GARMIN VENU SQ NFC Music
Smartwatch GARMIN VENU SQ Music 1.3" - GARMIN VENU SQ NFC Music
Smartwatch GARMIN VENU SQ Music 1.3" - GARMIN VENU SQ NFC Music
Smartwatch GARMIN VENU SQ Music 1.3" - GARMIN VENU SQ NFC Music
Smartwatch GARMIN VENU SQ Music 1.3" - GARMIN VENU SQ NFC Music