Details : Hi moms ini ad kursi main dari Skip Hop, ini dia ad alas kakinya yaa. Then, mejanya bs diputer. Yang satu ad mejanya untuk si Kecil makan snacks dll, dan meja satunya ad mainan2 ya moms. Jdi si Kecil ga bosen. Dibuat dari bahan terbaik yang dapat dibuka dan dicuci jadi tetap higienis.
Bisa sd 11.3 kg ya moms jdi kuattt
Encourage baby to sit, interact and play with this comfy and supportive seat. The dual-option design lets parents rotate between the handy multipurpose tray (great for snacks!) and three engaging toys depending on baby’s needs. The sturdy, wide-leg base provides stability and the soft fabric seat cover removes for easy machine washing so clean up time's a cinch.
- Baby chair best for babies able to sit-up unassisted to up to 25 lbs (11.3 kg) - Floor seat has tray and toys that rotate for baby's needs - Baby seat includes 3 toys: Star Spinner, Moon Bead Mover & Sun Rattle - Baby chair has a sturdy, wide-leg base for supported stability - Sit-up floor seat has removable soft fabric cover that is machine washable - For Ages : 0 - 24 M
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